Oboulo.com Experience
Oboulo.com have there own products so working on company website's as a back-end developer
Technology: PHP, MySQL,jQuery,Javascript,HTML,CSS,PDO Interface, Zend Framework + Smarty
Fasdec Live Projects
Project 1 : Swarnmandir.com(http://swarnmandir.com)
Project 2 : Prakat.com
Project 3 : Impressions(http://preloader.fasdec.org/websites/impressions_cms)
Project 4: Akmaxx Properties(http://akmaxxproperties.com) [SMS API Integration for Quote Form]
Technology: PHP, MySQL, PDO Interface, Mini CMS.
Tools: Adobe Dream-weaver, Adobe Photoshop, Notepad.
Role: Complete Site done by me . In the Front-End What we see, all are editable in Back-End side by admin & in Back-End side Also provide panel to add ,delete & Update products,meta tag, logo, images, icons, contents and so on .
Project 5: Nishta Soft(http://nishtasoft.com/)
Project 6: Value Cyber Tech.( http://valuecybertech.com/)
Technology: PHP, CSS, JavaScript.
Tools: Adobe Dream-weaver, Adobe Photoshop, Notepad.
Role: Updating contents and design formatting did By Myself. And updating site using MVC Architecture.
Project 7: Murugesh&Co
Technology: HTML, CSS, Javascript.
Tools: Adobe Dream-weaver, Adobe Photoshop, Notepad.
Role: Complete site did by myself & Updating Contents.
Project 8: S. S. C. Caterers(http://ssccaterers.com/)
Project 9: HTOH(http://preloader.fasdec.org/websites/HTOH/)
Technology: PHP, HTML, CSS, Javascript
Tools: Adobe Dream-weaver, Adobe Photoshop, And Notepad.
Role: Updating contents and design formatting did by myself.
Project 10: Naackventures
Project 11: Masgodu Chennamma
Role: Updating contents as well as design.
Project 12: Rudra Holidays(http://preloader.fasdec.org/websites/rudraholidaysnew)
Project 13: Chreos
Role: Modify a template, did changes as per requirement and keep responsiveness of the template.
Newtonic InfoTech Live Projects
Project 1: Buyspl.com
Technology: PHP, MySQL, PDO Interface.
Tools: Adobe Dream-weaver, Adobe Photoshop, Notepad.
Project Description: It’s a Deal posting website where people can post deal by submitting the specific URL of the product from a certain site. These deals can be viewed, liked shared and commented by other registered and non registered user. Other than user can also submit coupons from a website which can be availed by other registered users. The Deals from the specific site is Screen Scrapped and displayed under the specific categories. It’s done in MVC Architecture using PHP & MySQL. Interface PDO.
Role: Developed Whole Project Myself Only. (Front-End Part As well As Bach-End Part).
Project 2: Aesthetic(http://newtonic.in/aestheticv1)
Technology: PHP, MySQL, PDO Interface, Mini CMS.
Tools: Adobe Dream-weaver, Adobe Photoshop, Notepad.
Role: Complete Website done by Myself Front-End and Back-End both done Using MVC Architecture, In Back-End side all Page are Editable. (It Like as an E-Commerce Application).
Project 3: Silicon It Store(http://www.siliconitstore.com/622012_kluc/silicon_last_step_16-1-2012/) [SESSION CART]
Technology: PHP, MySQL
Role: Complete Website done by myself other then design, In Back-End side manage all the products details and products according to its category, home page slider editable panel and developed SESSION CART.
Project 4: Intellatec.in
Technology: PHP, MySQL
Team Members: 2
Role: Develop All forms like Employee, Recruiter, Contact Us, Resume upload forms, the main things in resume uploaded form is when user uploaded his/her resume here it will directly sent to admin mail id & hr mail id as attachment format.
Project 5: Developmynation.in [SMS API Integration]
Technology: PHP, MySQL
Team Members: 2
Project Description: This is college student’s project.DevelopMyNation.in gives the power to connect and post each and every individual’s problem, difficulties etc to the concerned person. DevelopMyNation.in is a social utility designed to make one’s nation a developed one. The concept of this website has aroused due to the large amount of anti-social activities prevailing in the society. People can post their appreciates, requests, complaints to the concerned person. In a sense it brings the transparency of the developmental activities going in the country.
Role: This Project is divided into two part One is Front-End other is Back-End. Modules Which I did in Front-End are Registration Form, SMS API Integration, Login Form, News Posting, Forum Posting, Feedback Form, All Pop-up Works, Profile Work, Abuse Report handling, Data updates. & Modules Which I did in Back-End are VIP User Login Registration and Vip User detail adding Form Forum, abuse detail panel user login detail and so on.
Project 6: Pleasant Home Health Care
Technology: PHP, MySQL
Role: Menu bar, Slider & Contact Form, Testimonial in Front-End & Back End side maintain all contact information & all testimonial first go for verification if admin verify then it will so at home page, Admin can Delete, Pospond or Verify the testimonial from his/her email id where testimonial details are reached.
Project 7: Yantra Shakti
Technology: PHP, MySQL
Role: Product displaying, Add to cart, Enter User Information after checkout by user, Contact Form in Front-End & Back End side maintain all contact information & shipping information of user and with user details.
Project 8: Kailash Roofing(http://www.kailashroofing.com/) [Pop on Mapping at Contact Form.]
Project 9: 7events.in [SMS API Integration]
Project 10: Leisurewear India(http://leisurewearindia.com/)
Project 11: Cosmostone Impex(http://cosmostoneimpex.com/contactus.php
Project 12: Dynamic Hypnosis Academy(http://dynamichypnosisacademy.com/)
Project 13: Jayine Group(http://www.jayinegroup.com/)
Technology: PHP, MySQL
Role: Contact Form & Enquiry Form in Front-End & Back End site to maintain all contact information.
Project 14: Svaasth(http://www.svaasth.com/)
Technology: PHP, MySQL
Team Members: 2
Role: Work on Front-End (Registration Form, Login Form, Contact Form, Enquiry Form, Feedback Form and data showing which is coming from database) And Back-End side I made Admin Panel Myself Only.
Project 15: Belukb (http://www.belukb.com/)(Kannad font based-site)
Role: Displaying Contents & Contact Form on Front End Using Kannad fonts & Admin panel to add latest Events.
Freelance Project
Project 1: i-Rays.in
Technology: PHP, MySQL, PDO Interface, Mini CMS.
Tools: Adobe Dream-weaver, Adobe Photoshop, Notepad.
Role: Complete Website done by myself other then design, In Back-End side manage all the page contents, ad’s and submit form details and maintain register users details.
It’s a service based site, Service may be free or paid. Paid service avail user can get more benefit other than non-paid user; Back-End all things which is seen in front end is editable.
Project 2: Computerworld-blore
Technology: PHP, MySQL, PDO Interface, Mini CMS.
Tools: Adobe Dream-weaver, Adobe Photoshop, Notepad.
Role: Complete Site done by me . In the Front-End What we see, all are editable in Back-End side by admin & in Back-End side Also provide panel to add ,delete & Update products,meta tag, logo, images, icons, contents and so on .